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Jack Smith
Chapter 1: A Slip of the Mask
He really doesn't carry a pitch fork and have a long red tail and two horns. Yet, he is a master at disguise. Got any ideas of his favorite? Masquerade, that is?
Consider this fact: In every Bible passage except one, satan appears in disguise. In fact, the only time he does not appear in disguise is when he converses with Jesus in Matthew 4. satan even disguised himself as Simon Peter when he tempted Jesus to avoid the cross -- and, Simon had no idea satan was speaking through him (Mark 8:33). What about the book of Job, you say? satan actually never appears before Job, only before God and the heavenly council (Job 1:6). In all other Bible passages, satan is in disguise -- even in the Garden of Eden. The reason? Because that is how he appears before humanity.
His best disguise? Religion.
In this first chapter, we will look at satan's origin according to the Bible. We will then introduce the thesis of this book -- that the "bomb throwers" of Islam are not the aberration of true Islam; but rather, they are the actual root. That is, they reveal the very source of evil that has become incarnate in Islam -- satan. It just takes a "slip of the mask" to see who the mask really covers!
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Chapter 2: Finding satan's Fingerprints
He may be disguised but that doesn't mean we can't discern when he is present -- satan, that is. The Bible gives us "identifiers" to be able to locate him. They are called "antichrist." Whenever the antichrist identifiers are present, satan is present. Think of it this way. Every crime scene includes some evidence left behind by the criminal. You just have to find the evidence. When antichrist is present, satan has left his "fingerprints" behind. This chapter will discuss the Bible's antichrist identifiers; once learning them, we will be able to find satan!
Chapter 3: Holy War
Since its inception in the 7th century AD, Islam has waged holy war, jihad, against anyone who stood in its way. This type of war, i.e., spiritual war, is described throughout the pages of prophetic scripture. The 4th part of King Nebuchadnezzar's statue wages war against the kingdom of God. The 4th beast of Daniel 7 wages war against the saints of God. The great red dragon (the devil) in Revelation 12 wages war against Jews and Christians. The scarlet beast of Revelation 17:14 does likewise, and the harlot that rides the scarlet beast is "drunk with the blood of the saints" (Rev 17:6). All of these wars are spiritual in nature-- not political. Islam is one of two world empires that has waged holy war against Jews and Christians. This fact, standing alone, is not determinative of the beast of Last Days; but, as we move forward in Bible prophecy, it will be one more "piece of the puzzle."
Chapter 4: Feet of Clay
The great statue appears in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. It must not be overlooked for it begins Bible prophecy for the Last Days. A head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and lastly, feet -- partly of iron and partly of clay. Each part of the statue represents a kingdom that will conquer. The kingdom that matters the most to those of the present day? The feet. God's judgment begins with the feet of the statue; no wonder, iron and clay do not mix very well; and, so the weakness of the iron kingdom is revealed. It will be a divided kingdom, and a "kingdom divided against itself cannot stand" (Mark 3:24).
This chapter will review both Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 and identify those characteristics that the Last Days' kingdom at enmity with God must satisfy. It will take each of some 14 separate prophetic characteristics and reveal how Islam fulfills each one.
Chapter 5: A "Revived" Roman Empire? Rome? Out of her ashes she will rise to her former glory?
Many who study "last things" (eschatology) believe that in the Last Days a "revived Roman Empire" will rise up to fulfill many of the Bible's prophecies on the End Times. The modern day European Union is offered as the likely candidate for a future fulfillment of these prophecies. This chapter will review the primary passage interpreting the European Union as the last days empire at enmity with God. Rome is certainly a part of Last Days' Bible prophecy; just not where we have always interpreted Rome to be! Rome is in Revelation 12, not Daniel 7 or Revelation 13 or 17.
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Chapter 6: Just Read the Graffiti
Ever play "king on the mountain"? Last kid standing on the hill was "king."
The Dome of the Rock, Islam's shrine to Muhammad, rests on the Foundation Stone, a solid rock structure that long ago served as the location for the revered Ark of the Covenant, Israel's most sacred object. Why did Islam build the Dome of the Rock on this specific location? This chapter will answer that question. It will review Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, and Revelation 13:6, all of which speak of a coming blasphemy that will occur in the Last Days relative to the Temple of God. Lest you have any doubt -- just read the graffiti. Perhaps you will find who Islam declares "king on the mountain."
Chapter 7: Where is Allah and his Muhammad?
Ten horns, ten diadems, seven heads; all sported by a beast from the sea. One of the heads is fatally wounded. Yet, "he" recovers! Talk about disguise.
In 632AD, when Islam was barely ten years old, Muhammad died unexpectedly after complaining of a headache. Islam, as a religion, somehow survived the death of the one so crucial to its existence. Against all odds, Islam grew to be a voracious kingdom in an unbelievably short period of time. In this recovery of the "beast from the sea," seven separate periods in Islamic history begin. Each period includes an Islamic family whose length of rulership will constitute a dynasty in successive "caliphate periods" of Islam. If you sum the separate caliphate periods, you come to seven periods beginning with the Umayyads in 661AD and concluding with the Ottomans in the early 20th century. At times, there will be two dynasties ruling simultaneously, one against the other; one from Baghdad and the other from Cairo. And, when you make your second count to include all of them, they will total ten in number.
Think about it. Ten horns, seven heads, and ten diadems; and, Islam fufills both counts.
Chapter 8: Islam's Al-Madhi, Abaddon Rises
The Bible calls him, Abaddon, the Hebrew name for "destroyer." Islam calls him, al-Mahdi, "master of the sword," and the "long awaited one."
In Last Days Biblical prophecy, he is the scarlet beast of Revelation 17; the man of lawlessness of 2 Thessalonians 2:3; the angel of the abyss of Revelation 9:11; the beast from the earth of Revelation 13:11f; and, the little horn of Daniel 7:24-25.
To Christians, he is the last "false prophet, i.e., the Antichrist. To Shia Islam, he is al-Mahdi. One religion sees him as the instrument of satan's highest hour. The other as an instrument of peace and justice, and who will bring the world to Islam, albeit through his sword.
If there ever was a time when one person can mean such different things to different people, it is now.
Antichrist or Al-Mahdi. You choose. Purchase PDF - 99cts.
Chapter 9: The Revived and Last Caliphate
I remember that day. I thought it was funny. It was a sunny day. Before the school day had begun, two boys started fighting. I don't even know why. I was in the crowd that quickly gathered, and as one of the boys started losing, I started laughing. . . . So he turned on me. I stopped laughing. All I remember was fighting for my life. He was in the 5th grade and I was in the 3rd. After that, I didn't laugh anymore at people fighting. Unless it was my fight, I stayed out of the way.
In the Last Days, Islam's Last Caliphate will arise. Led by Muhammad al-Mahdi, an Alliance of ten muslim nations or groups will unite. They will turn upon three Muslim nations, one of whom will be Saudi Arabia. After conquering the three, all Islam will unite under Muhammad al-Mahdi. No longer will they fight one another; Al-Mahdi will insure that. They will be one. This event, the "revived Caliphate," will usher in the Last Days. It will act as the first step down a path of destruction that will eventually engulf the entire world.
Right now, the fighting in Iraq is like my fight in the third grade. As long as they fight one another, they won't unite and turn on us. One day it will change. Then, they will join forces; and, I suppose it will seem to the West like that 5th grader seemed to me. We will fight for our lives.
This chapter will reveal another detail of Revelation 17's scarlet beast. The beast is al-Mahdi; the empire is the Revived (and last) Islamic Caliphate.
Chapter 10: Rebuilding Babel's Tower
"Babylon the Great" . . . so named is the harlot of Revelation 17. Don't think for a moment that "Babylon" identifies this harlot as modern Iraq, and the ancient city of Babylon that still lies in ruins there. The harlot is wealthy, and she has made the merchants of the world rich and great from her "wine." In fact, the Bible tells us that the nations of the whole world are made "drunk" with the woman's wine. What is the wine? Take a guess. What is the one substance that the entire world cannot do without? The woman? Find the highest "towers" in the land of Islam and you will find the harlot who has built them.
This chapter will identify Revelation 17's harlot that rides the scarlet beast.
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Chapter 11: From Her Own Cup
Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam. The owner of the world's largest proven oil and gas reserves. As scripture prophesies, the world is addicted to these reserves. They have the made the merchants of the world wealthy and important; and the "kings of the earth" willing to turn their heads to immoral acts. Yet, in one hour, the Harlot's "wine" will become the instrument through which the harlot is destroyed; and, the world will never be the same.
Chapter 12: Israel
We move to the final stages of the Last Days as an Alliance of nations is prophesied to attack Israel. The leader of the attack is named in prophetic scripture: "Gog." He is "prince" of the "land of Magog," and the leader of three "nations" from the land of Magog, "Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal." These three are joined in their battle by nations of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, including Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Armenia, and Libya. According to Ezekiel 38 and 39, this group, along with "many peoples" will launch their attack against Israel only to be utterly defeated. This chapter will interpret Russia to be the key nation in this Alliance against Israel, along with Iran as the lead nation from the Middle East. It will also reveal a coming onslaught by Iran against other Muslim nations and groups. A most important element of this victory is not that the Muslim nations of the world are defeated, but that the Spirit of God is "poured out upon Israel," an event that can only be fulfilled with the return of Jesus Christ, and Israel's acknowledgment of Jesus as Messiah.
Chapter 13: The Reaping The time of tribulation has arrived, a seven year period the Bible describes as a " time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time" (Daniel 12:1). Who will experience this tribulation? When will it be? Are Christians raptured before this time, during this time, or at the end of this time? The Bible prophesies of a "70th week" decreed by God to "bring in everlasting righteousness. . ." and to render desolate the one who makes desolate. Before everlasting righteousness can begin, humanity must "reap" the consequences of its sin. Satan and his agents will have their way until God extends His sickle and pours out His wrath upon the "sons of disobedience." This chapter will discuss the Great Tribulation (the "70th week"), the rapture, the bringing in of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, and the imprisonment of satan, his Antichrist (the "false prophet), and the religion behind which he covers (the 1st beast of Rev 13). Purchase PDF - 99 cts.
Appendix: Islam 101
This session will be an overview of Islam, including its origin, basic beliefs, modern day sects, and early history.
This is the website for the recently published book, Islam the Cloak of Antichrist.
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